Many media company's public relations manager in communication with the general a "temporary hold foot brush" phenomenon. Release or there are information needs of public relations in times of crisis will think to look for journalists to help, during times of very little contact with journalists or media. Even when a reporter interview requests, when the initiative will try to refuse. This has two consequences, first, each time for a message and a message, news value is low. Journalists write the manuscript also generally only bone not the meat. Second, the lack of relationship with the press of daily maintenance, is often difficult to find, "Mr. Key," had forced commissioned by public relations firms or layers of friends, public relations, too, the effect worse.
How, then, to maintain interaction with journalists do, the following points should be met.
1, to reporters classification, the core culture's circle.
2, to maintain the supply of daily information, a staff reporter.
3, the industry experts, journalists willing to communicate with you.
4, reporter's interview request timely feedback.
5, doing the work behind
To reporters classification, training the core's circle
Identify and cultivate key press is to raise the quality and efficiency of media access important way.
Journalists can be divided into the following one is reusable. They are true friends of the nature of man. And you have a good personal friend, and have long-term business contacts. Sometimes, the enterprise or the business leaders at an early stage and this part of the press to maintain good relations, their first image of the enterprise spread a lot of effort. This part of the press in general, will feel the media public relations manager for enterprise and I have certain obligations. Normally, companies where the urban areas of expertise of local journalists and the earliest reports of enterprises involved in national and professional media in this category. As the journalist must ensure that the mouth of the news channels article, so they are generally happy with their Article I of the enterprises to maintain a good relationship.
Second, you can use, but not trust the press. This part of Article I's are generally not professional journalists, they are often in a rush of major news occurs, will come looking for news tips. For them, the company is to provide news material base.
A third reporter is untouchable. This reporter interviewed the general hope for their own gain any form of substantial interest, aim, if not meet, they play a counter-rake, transforming itself into a specialist just to expose shady business people.
The fourth is to safeguard the nature of the press, they are generally older, are veterans in the newspaper in the level of character, but the vast intercourse. Public relations manager for a medium, the master must own the press clearly divided, then the first and fourth categories are the journalists focus on relationship maintenance. Reporters on the third category, mainly Zeyi hide. Media, public relations manager must keep in mind that her own work openly, on the one hand there are news reporters need to provide material resources, on the other hand to promote the enterprise image. Not say that the media and public relations managers is the need for journalists in secret transactions, therefore, reveals a certain desire on the press, especially the initiative to cover the requirements of the feature page newspaper editors must be vigilant to avoid the last.
In my form's relationship, there is a special column to fill, "it feels the company's obligation." In fact, a real public relations manager with the business and maintain good relations with media reporters often feel a certain sense of obligation, and has a special purpose or "chance meeting" type of reporter were not.
To maintain the supply of daily information
Reporters, if maintaining a certain source of news and information is very important to be with. Media, public relations manager of an enterprise in fact fully capable to do this. An enterprise's human, financial, property, import and sale, storage, all aspects and all areas every day that a variety of novelty. These events may appear from the propaganda of the corporate image to help is not great, but after all you can tap into one of the news value, so if there are dedicated staff to refine every day, while providing to the press, long-term adherence, the effect will be quite good .
Work practice, I always arranged for staff to update the company web site news, and the company's internal publications to give reporters the first time, we even created a special public mailbox, everyone's long-term ties have mail password, a send up of news on real-time. In this way, I establish a routine with reporters communication mechanism, so that reporters feel that in everyday life, there is a people and companies often misses them, and they have passed this way, get to know business, and started to pay attention the development of enterprises, so that the enterprise has a good impression. The most important thing is, I let them feel that this was not designed to allow enterprises to get more publicity the news, we just try to provide material for journalists.
In fact, many companies and industry research report data, are not journalists, for markets and products, and reporters are not as familiar within the industry, giving them time and provide them with Suoxu whilst the Image Communication of benefit to the company information, can be on the formation of very effective to help reporters. In general, a large number of consumer-impact events, significant impact on the industry events, employees happen to the social significance of the events of general concern to all journalists of.
Allow themselves to be experts in the industry
A professional medium for public relations managers should be experts in the industry. You should own your industry marketing company, products, technology, brands and other related knowledge and interest in a wide enough to grasp, even competitors, are very familiar with the upstream and downstream industries, allow themselves to be an information repository and database. Let's find you have to communicate the value, can give his thoughts and articles to provide some reference. Now, I have contacted many reporters in the field of articles for Household Appliances, would think of me as interviews with industry experts, and even they will introduce their friends or colleagues in similar topics to do when asked for my observations or interviews related to . Way through the clock, we maintain a very good relationship. Of course, note that the identity of any expert is not allowed at liberty to reveal confidential business enterprises, of course, must maintain an objective attitude in the face of competitors and partners. If you sometimes feel as disclosed is not suitable, then do not forget to told your reporter must take "an industry expert who requested anonymity," as to the best source for your statement.
Requirements of the reporters have to do an interview with the positive response, regardless of their coverage is positive or negative.
If it is a strange request an interview with journalists there, then as head of the company's media public relations issue should be the first time thanks to companies and individuals, and expressed hope that the desire to establish long-term cooperation. In addition, negative news coverage of the communication through the press, we can learn to do is press coverage of the starting point for the individual or behind the high-level editing, and media factors.杩欐牱鎴戜滑鍙互鍋氬埌鏈夌殑鏀剧煝锛屼互鏈?揩鐨勯?搴﹁繘琛屽嵄鏈哄叕鍏炽?
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